Use an Apostrophe Checker to Ensure Apostrophes Are Used Properly
Apostrophes are marks of punctuation that are used in three different ways, with each way having its own set of rules:
1.Use an apostrophe to show ownership/possession. The rules for using an apostrophe to show possession are:
- With singular nouns not ending in s, add an apostrophe and s.
- With singular nouns ending in s, add an apostrophe and s.
- With plural nouns ending in s, add an apostrophe after the s.
- With plural nouns not ending in s, add an apostrophe and s.
2.Use an apostrophe to show plural forms. The rules for using an apostrophe to show plural forms are:
- Use an apostrophe and s to show the plural of a letter.
- Use an apostrophe and s to show the plural of a number.
- Use an apostrophe and s to show the plural of a word referred to as a word.
3.Use an apostrophe to show where a letter or number has been omitted:
- To use an apostrophe to show where letters have been left out of contractions add an apostrophe in the space where the letters have been taken out.
- To use an apostrophe to show that numbers have been left out of a date add an apostrophe in the space where the numbers have been taken out
The rules for apostrophe usage are fairly straight forward and it shouldn’t be difficult to check whether or not apostrophes are used in the correct manner. However checking apostrophe grammar using our free online apostrophe checker is faster and less likely to overlook any usage mistakes.
Good Grammar Makes a Difference
Every aspect of grammar and how you use it is important from sentence structure to the proper placement of an apostrophe. Grammar influences many things in people’s lives that they may not even be aware of including:
- Job applications: Most people wouldn’t apply for a job in an office wearing raggedy clothes. You dress appropriately if you are hoping to be hired. The same principle applies with documents like resumes and cover letters. Submitting these documents if they contain poor grammar is the same as wearing the worst thing in your closet to an interview, and neither are likely to get you hired.
- Business: If you own your own business you don’t have to worry about what your employer thinks about your grammar. However there are potential clients who will notice if you use good grammar or not. Correct grammar usage creates a positive image and makes you appear professional and competent.
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- Education: Quite obviously grammar will influence your academic career to a certain extent. At the graduate level, poor grammar may prevent you from being accepted into a program.
- Whether you like it or not, when you first meet somebody they form an opinion about you that is made up of a number of factors including how well you communicate, which is directly related to you grammar skills. In business and in school your first introduction to somebody may be some form of written communication. If you are unsure if any document you have written meets good grammar standards you can use our apostrophe checker online to determine if there are any grammatical errors.
Produce Grammatically Correct Papers and Reports with Our Free Online Grammar Checker
English language has plenty of rules regarding grammar usage, and most people may not even be aware of what half those rules are. Using our websites free grammar checker can help you correct grammatical rules you may not know you have broken and help you improve your writing skills by bringing these rules to your attention.
Our checker is multipurpose and can help with the following:
- Locate and correct several hundred types of grammatical errors
- Locate and correct punctuation mistakes
- Find and correct spelling mistakes and words that are used in the wrong context
- Determine if any plagiarism exists in your papers
Our checker is available for anyone to use at no charge. It is both fast and efficient and can help save hours of tedious proofreading.